Yearly Archives: 2018

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Dissolving the GV Hospital District, Supposed School Fundraising Vanishes and Board Disbands – GV Booster Club Under Investigation, GV Senior and Social Center News, IC Boise Basin Senior Center, Obituary – Michael Mahler, Easter Egg Hunt, New Sponsors Planning for Annual Spring Fling with a Fresh Flair, Letters to the Editor – John Jauregui & John Cottingham, Prescribed Burns in the Forest Reduces Large Wildfire Potential, Decreased Homeowner’s Insurance for Clear Creek, IC’s City Council, Letter to the Editor – Meet the Candidate – Charlie Haupt, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, Seedlings Available for Reforestation and Habitat Improvement – U.S. Forest Service, Newspaper Fun puzzles, Classifieds, Legals, County Commissioners, Future Medical Needs in GV, New Legislation for Wildlife Salvage

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Dealing with Unpopular Decisions – Trustees at Garden Valley School District, Outreach Center Offers a Place for Teens in GV, Levy Results for Basin School District – In Favor of: 251/ Against: 131, GV Senior and Social Center News, Idaho City Historical Foundation St. Patty’s Dinner, Mountain Satire – As the Wheels of Justice Slowly Turn, No Fooling: Federal Court’s High School Civics Contest, Comics, Letters to the Editor – William Baker & Jerry Branson, U.S. Forest Service – Warmer Weather Conditions Prompts Road Closures for Public Safety, Idaho Fish & Game, Nuts & Bolts of Levy Proposal for Paramedic Program in GV, The 5th Annual Student Art Show Presents a Plethora of Styles, HSB Sports, Retired Company Vehicle Supports Emergency Response in IC, Mizpah Chapter in HSB – “Pay it Forward”, March ~ In Like a Lion, GV Preschool/ Kindergarten Screening and Registration, Ideas and Functions of a Vibrant GV Senior Center, Who is Running for County Office, Snow Shoeing School 101 – Basin Elementary’s 4th Grade Takes to the Hills, Idaho City Teams Sweep 3D Printing Showcase, Classifieds, Legal Notices, Boise County Commissioners’ Meeting, Effort to Stop Drunk Driving: All Boise County Deputies on Duty

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Water Rescue in Mores Creek – WRVFD, HSB City Council Meeting, GV Senior & Social Center, IC HS/MS 1st Quarter Honor Roll, IC Council Approves New Grader, Letter to the Editor – John Cottingham, P&Z Administrator Thanks County Residents, Letter to the Editor – John Jauregui, GVHTD Regular Meeting, Idaho CuMo Mining Corporation, Basic Essentials in Firefighting, Idaho Sportsman Show Incorporates Boise County, Lincoln Day Celebration Offers Hope, Obituaries – Eddie Ledbetter & Jewell Ledbetter, Local GV Resident Succeeds in National Game Show, Appeal Hearing of 3 Springs Hunting Ranch Before County Commissioners, Public Meeting GVHTD Responds

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Criminal County Politics – GV Hospital District, Close Call for School Bus, Free Over the Air TV Questions & Need for Translator District Board Trustees, GV Senior & Social Center News, T-Mobile Goes Live in Idaho City, IC Firefighters Take Preventative Measures, Letter to the Editor – John Jauregui, Second Annual Color Run Considered the Happiest Fun Run Around, Horseshoe Bend Senior Center March Menu, Boise Basin Senior Center March Menu, Classifieds, Legals, Wellness Center Project – Basin School District, Boise County Magistrate Court

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Security of Our Youth and Community, Lincoln Day Forum Brings Idaho Republican Candidates to GV, GV Senior and Social Center News, 3D Printing Teams in Idaho City, Basin School District’s New School Resource Officer, Placerville Fire Protection District Attends Southern Idaho Fire Academy, Large Music Festival Creating Debate Over Feasibility of Location in GV, Cops & Kids Night, Idaho City’s Annual Chili Cook-Off, HSB HS Sports, Letters to the Editor – Bud Paine and John Cottingham, Lowman History – Part IX – Jerry Branson, Classifieds, Legals, Boise County Commissioners Meeting

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A Message to Patrons ~ GV Hospital Taxing District Responds, CuMo ~ Time for the USGS to Add Molybdenum to the Critical Minerals List, GV Senior & Social Center News, HSB High School Sports, A Message to Patrons ~ Regarding the Upcoming Levy for the Basin School District, Fact Sheet ~ Levy Costs to Patrons, The Hub Features Family Food at a Great Price, Chili Cook-Off This Saturday, Barriers to Settlement in Mediation – Written by Richard K. Murray, Obituary – Marie Wood, Garden Valley Hospital Taxing District (continued), Rare Spirit Bear is Part of Photo Exhibit at Library Entrance, Audit for Basin School District, Comics, Winning Hearts at This Year’s Garden Valley Center for the Arts, HSB’s 1st Technology Tear Apart & Need for Donations, Obituary – Judy Hardman, Classifieds, Legal Notices, Boise County Commissioners Meeting

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Horseshoe Bend Elementary ~ Recognized by Local Dignitaries and President Trump, Garden Valley Senior Center & Social Center, HSB Senior Center Menu, Ad for Lincoln Day Celebration, JV Wildcats & JV Mustangs, Idaho City Community Club Raffle Items, Boise Basin Senior Center News, Public Meeting ~ To Bring Discussions About Paramedic Needs & Possible Tax Increases, Get a Grocery Credit Refund Even If You Don’t Earn Enough to File Taxes, Legal Options Under Consideration & a Brief History of the GV Hospital Taxing District, Crossword Puzzle, News Release ~ Idaho City Council Passes a Resolution in Support of the CuMo Project, Idaho City’s New Resolution, Be My Valentine – turkeys, Rocks ~ Natural Idaho Spring Water, Imaginary Squirrel, Grayback Gulch Bridge, GV Recreation District Arranging Projects for the New Year, Carnival and Other GV Chamber Activities, Classifieds, Legals, HSB High School Sports, Elk photo with tongue out by Larry Grensing

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Follow the Money ~ Local Doctor’s Concern for GV Hospital Taxing District, Sheriff’s Office Corner – Sheriff Jim Kaczmarek, Horseshoe Bend Blue Ribbon Award, HSB HS Sports, HSB Happenings, Garden Valley Senior & Social Center News, A “Heartfelt” Thank You from the Senior Center, Basin School District Wellness Clinic Project, Boise Basin Senior Center Menu for February 2018, Alexa: What’s the Price of Tea in China? – Dark Cloud, Wildfire Preparedness Day Coming to Raise Awareness & Create Action Plans Within Communities, Boise County Commissioners’ Meeting, County Schools & the Flu Epidemic of 2018, GV Hospital District – Under Fire for Lack of Transparency, Definitions Regarding Duty of a Hospital Board and District ~ Per Idaho Code, Crossword Puzzle & Comics, Kid’s Activity Sheet, Classifieds, Legal Notices, Horseshoe Bend Middle/ High School 2nd Quarter Honor Roll, Garden Valley Middle School 2nd Quarter Honor Roll

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IC Cell Tower, Pharmacy Wants to Help People Who are Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired, GV Senior & Social Center News, Seasons Mountain Dining and Grocer Presents BIG Check to Basin Elementary, Basin School District’s Snow Days, Wild Hearts of the Arts & Chocolate Auction Looking for Participants, Sheriff’s Office Corner – Sheriff Jim Kaczmarek, Kid’s Joke, Key Provisions of the 2018 Tax Law – Richard Murray, Snow in the Mountains, Lowman History – More on the Lowman Area – Part VIII, Horseshoe Bend Volunteer Fire Protection District is Seeking New Volunteers, Find Your Perfect Customized Floral Arrangements & Gifts at Thumbelina’s, Newest Planning & Zoning Commissioners Immediately Get to Work on Unified Land Ordinance, Logging Truck Slides Off, CuMo Mine Exploration Proposal Raises Questions and Concerns for Downstream Residents, Classifieds & Comics, Legals, GVHS 1st Semester Honor Roll, Placerville Life Flight Landing Zone Training, Disposal of Appliances That Use Refrigerants, Chili Cook-Off in Idaho City

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Pepsi on Ice, February Fun & Chocolate at the Center for the Arts, GV Senior & Social Center News, IC Council Members and Mayor are Sworn into Office, HS Basketball, Man Sentenced in Rape Case – Jared Hendryx, Snowflakes, Crouch City Council News & Member Changes, HSB Senior Center Menu, Letter to the Editor – Marlene Partridge, Letter to the Editor – Brenda Ekklery, December Athletes GVHS, GV Hospital Taxing District Has a Message for the Public, GV Senior Center Talent Show but No Dinner, Boise County Commissioner’ Meeting

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